5 Guidelines for a Successful Email Marketing
Obviously, technology has advanced the marketing strategies globally. With an access to the relevant applications, an entrepreneur can easily project their products or services to prospective customers outside their region effortlessly.
Since internet has transform the world to a global village; electronic marketing has taken the lead over conventional and traditionally marketing. The invention of social media platforms, websites, email marketing bridge the wide gaps between business owners and their customers. With any of these, you can easily sell your services and products to any of your leads. Businesses are thriving online; in fact, some business relay on the power of internet for their success story.
Email marketing is an act of sending sales message about a product or service to prospective buyers. This act takes your business beyond your physical location, passerby, loyal customers to the screen of your target audience. However, there are rules that guides email marketing; for you to keep enjoying a successful email marketing or campaign, we present to you some of the tips that we will help you.
1. Do not use deceptive email addresses, names, domain names or subject lines to mislead the recipient. Be truthful and honest.
2. If sending an email to an individual who has not given prior consent to receive marketing communications from your company, you must identify the message as an ad
3. If the message contains adult content or explicit imagery, this must be specified clearly in the subject line of the email
4. Include a physical street address within the content of all marketing emails
5. Provide consumers with a conspicuous and straightforward way to unsubscribe from marketing emails. Fulfill unsubscribe requests within 10 days.
With a strict adherence to the above tips, you are a step forward to execute a successful email campaign for your business.